

Monday, April 7, 2008

It's raining men...

Just back from the Astro's opening day. 4 homers plus one run batted in, one delicious barbeque sandwich, some shared peanuts and a large Diet Coke, a little bit o' beer and the Navy Seals Froggy Sky Divers parachuting into Minute Maid before the game. Six very hot Navy Seals leaping from a plane, people. And we were in the field boxes on the 1st base side. So we were very close.

Ahh, baseball...

Til next time...


  1. Sounds great! Was someone cutting school perhaps? :)

  2. Don't make come over and slap that Diet Coke out your hand!

    We love you and don't want you to drink poison, er, I mean Aspartame.
    We have had a ban on it at Casa D' Kasoff for years.

    Ok I am done.

  3. Becki - I need a few vices... Okay, I probably have more than a few!Shhh... don't tell anyone.

    Kym - No cutting school! 6:05 start time. Not like the Cubbies with all those day games. Although I do miss dear old Wrigley Field. And they had better not sell out the name to some wacky corporation or I will come totally unglued!
