

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

And some more on that...

Following up to my post on True Colors concert. Joan Jett - fierce, fit and...almost 50. Cyndi Lauper - funny, phenomenal and.... 55. It's women like them that make me LOVE being a grown up woman who let's face it, is old enough to have a son who's 22.

And in other news, while checking out rehab facilities and convalescent centers for mother in law for post hospital/post surgery stay and recovery, let it be duly noted that the beauty salon in the Woodlands Health Center - where let it be significantly recorded, I observed mostly elderly women nodding off in their wheelchairs in the somewhat whimsically named Express recovery wing - offers the option of.... wait for it.... Brazilian waxes. Now after my opening paragraph of this post, I'm not judging. Perhaps the woman in the Alfred Dunner pants outfit recovering from hip replacement has a frisky husband who comes to visit. I don't know. But it does boggle the mind.

Til next time...


  1. Just one word: ew!

    Or maybe it should!

  2. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ouch. Ew. Ew.


  3. TMI for sure!

    I thought your hair thins, um everywhere!
