

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Come See Me! Win a t shirt!

So this t shirt thing. I am nothing if not a cheerful, low budget operation. And I like it that way. When you're a debut author of this little book that no one quite knew how to define - is it fantasy? historical fiction? maybe it's fairy tale? Ooh, there's some romance - you're a cautious investment at first. So if you want to do giveaways, well, you better figure out how to do it on your own.

On release day, my friend Paula - our Latin teacher - surprised me with Dreaming Anastasia t shirts. They have been a huge hit. (full disclosure - she only made 10 in the first batch. In that special, special way that is life in a public education institution, there was jealousy and in-fighting about who would get one of the ten. At one point I worried that someone would ask me to strip down in the cafeteria. This did not happen, which was probably a relief to all involved.)

Short story - Paula made more. I raffled them off at my launch signing. Still a big hit. People were even asking about them last night at my live chat at My Friend Amy's blog. Soon Paula will have to give up vini vidi vici for her true calling as a sweat shop worker in her own dining room. This afternoon, she emailed the secrets of how to make an iron on image and what aisle I should go to in Hobby Lobby for all my supplies. Clearly she is thinking ahead and has realized that just possibly this is not her calling in life. (I think she is being rather short-sighted on this. But as I am her friend, I will let it slide)

If you're in the Houston area, I'm signing this Saturday, 9/26, 2PM at the Barnes and Noble on 1960 West at Champions Forest. People who live nearby tell me that there's even a poster up in the window to that effect and that it has my picture on it! Seems that Paul the Publicist has sent extra stuff out into the world.

So stop by! Tell your friends. I'll sign your book and say hello. And maybe you'll win a t shirt.

Til next time...


  1. Oh Joy! They are so cute!!

    Have fun in Houston!

  2. I would like to thank the author of this article for contributing such a lovely and mind-opening article.
