And oh crap, now that song is back in my head.
But Friday it is. And writing I am. (hello, Yoda, how did you wander into my speech pattern?)
And pondering a question that sort of kind of came up when (see previous post) agent Jen and my tallest friend Lauren and I were sipping wine and eating delicious cheese at Artisan Cheese Gallery in Studio City and generally enjoying life.
In matters of life, love, making a living and maintaining a writing career - can you have it all? Or is that just a pleasant fantasy? And if you're a woman (yes, I know it's 2011, but I think the question that takes us back at least as far as Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own still applies. I just do.) - is it harder?
Would love to hear from you.
In fact, if you comment, I'll put you in the contest hat and give away a Haunted t shirt to one lucky winner!
Okay, I have no idea if you can have it all. I do have the utmost faith in your success AND I REALLY want a Haunted t-shirt. :()
I think its possible it just takes a lot of effort. And even now in 2011 its still harder for a woman.
I think it is truly hard to have it all and while I am not your typical modern woman (though only 25) I do believe it is harder to try to have it all. On the way to making a career you end up married, then kids come and then you want to have friends. Living is truly harder than just setting a schedule and sticking to it, especially when the woman is supposed to still maintain the home and the family. I might be one of the few out there that believes at the heart of every family is a strong woman holding its core together. That job is hard, but worth striving to for and who know maybe at the end of the day you do end up having it all. Wouldn't that be nice?
All The Best,
Michelle (@OBoyledBooks)
OBoyledBooks [at] gmail [dot] com
Of course you can have it all! Just be thankful for all the parts of "it" that you have.
PS. Tzryl is Linda (of the Elegant Ladies Reading Circle)
I think sometimes it is possible to have it all. But i think it would be hard getting to that point in most cases.
You can, but it may occur at different times in your life.
Don't think it's possible to have it all, because people always want "more" :)
I think you can have it all.
I am writing.
I have a great bookish job.
I have so much fun with my blog.
I have a wonderful husband.
Two awesome kids.
And I know I am blessed.
YOU ROCK and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Having it all? I think you can. As long as you're happy. If you are happy, you have it all. If you're not, you need to be happy. Happiness is what we strive for.
I think it is hard to have it all these days at somewhere along the line you are going to have to make sacrifices.
I think that depends on your definition of "it all". I'm 30 I've changed careers three times. I am a mom to three and I do think women have it harder. I also think I have an amazing life and in my own way I have it all.
I really would love a huanting shirt.
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