It's been that kind of week - the kind where you think too much... or maybe that's just me. Been writing 2-4 thousand words a day to make my deadline so I think it just gets the brain cooking and mulling.
Here's one for you: I write about choices a lot because in real life I agonize over them. If I was a total believer in zodiac stuff, I'd tell you that its 'cause I'm a Libra and we Libras like that scale in balance. We tend to overthink and freeze. If I do this... but if I do that... Some call it being contemplative. Others say it's waffling.
Here's a choice I agonized over that I'm glad, glad that I made: I am writing full time this year and picking up part time gigs here and there where I can to make ends meet. It's scary, but it feels absolutely right. My creative energies are in the right place. Frequently I run into former colleagues. Too often they (generalizing here to protect people's right to privacy) tell me some form of "I'd quit/retire but hey it's a paycheck. So you, um, write all day? Like that's all you do?"
So yeah, I guess it was time.
Watched The Vampire Diaires season opener last night. Oh Damon. You are sooo good inside. Really, you are. And (spoiler coming) that scene where Stefan calls Elana. And we just see the look on his face. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Dontcha just love it?
Am very excited to tell you more about
Again and Again soon. How anxious I am to let you find out how the Anne/Ethan romance turns out.
And very excited to tell you about
The Sweet Dead Life. A different book. A Texas setting. And some guardian angel shenanigans.
Soon my little pretties. Very soon.
Have a great weekend all!
And if you're a choice waffler, comment here and tell me all about it. We choice wafflers need company.
And in the Mac vs PC debate.... Mac has won. Now it's Pro vs. Air. I'm thinking Pro.
Husband is soo a PC guy. It's like I'm bringing a cat into a dog house or something. He will have to get. over. it. dear boy.