
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Crazy small world

So here's the thing. Last July I posted about my writing roots and how my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Norma Bernsohn had inspired me to put word to paper. Never really thought about it much after that. Why would I?

Until last week.

Because that's when I was perusing the comments on my recent post. And found a message from Emily Achenbaum, reporter for the Chicago Tribune. Turns out that Emily was writing an obituary for, you guessed it - Mrs. Bernsohn, who had just passed away at the wonderful age of 91, after a long, full life. And that a google searched had popped up my July post. Would I be willing to let her interview me for the obit? Sure I emailed her. I'd be honored. And then I sat there, amazed and wonderous. How was this even possible? How could a random post result in that message? And in the subsquent comments from some of Mrs. B's relatives, including her granddaughter whom I actually remember because she used to come into our classroom all the time?

Obit came out yesterday in the Trib. And there I was, telling about writing my Thanksgiving play that November. And about how inspired I'd been by this wonderful woman.

Small world, this one I live in. Tiny. Things come 'round and amaze me all the time.

Anyone else have stories about people who cycle back into your life when you least expect it? About random moments that result in crazy amazing connections?

Til next time...

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